Total Health

我们的员工是我们产品和服务成功背后的核心。全面健康的概念代表 卡特彼勒对于通过支持其员工及家属的健康来建立和维持一支高绩效团队的承诺。我们通过与全球业务部门合作,提供福利和资源,帮助员工实现最佳健康,从而履行这一承诺。




What are the things you do every day to intentionally improve your mental health? If you're like most of us, you may not give it much thought. While many of us prioritize exercise and nutrition, not as many devote the same time and energy into our mental health. However, investing in a good mental health strategy can pay dividends when it comes to your overall well-being.

Learn more about this highlight and find helpful resources on our Total Health Highlights page.