Restore Health


Restore Health can help you achieve dramatic, lasting improvements in your health!


This free program is designed to help at-risk employees take control of their health and develop long-term, healthy lifestyle habits over the course of 12 months. Membership includes personal coaching by phone and text, helpful apps, and smart devices that make it rewarding to form new habits for improved sleep, stress, exercise, and nutrition and to help reduce risks associated with chronic conditions like diabetes and metabolic syndrome. 

To enroll, employees must meet certain eligibility requirements:

  • Must be an active full-time or part-time employee,
  • Must be enrolled in a Caterpillar health plan (Blue Cross Blue Shield/UnitedHealthcare), and
  • Must meet one or more of the following criteria found during their Caterpillar Health Exam:

    –  Systolic blood pressure > 130
    –  Diastolic blood pressure > 85
    –  BMI > 27
    –  A1C ≥ 5.7%

Restore Health is designed to fit your busy lifestyle. You can complete the activities any time of day from your computer or smartphone. The time commitment is only about 10 to 15 minutes per day, and it’s okay if you occasionally miss a day, travel, or go on vacation.

Schedule your Caterpillar Health Exam to find out if you qualify! For more information, contact Total Health Services at 309-675-9268 or email